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2016-2021 Honda Civic Turbocharger Upgrade - W2

10th Gen Civic Cold Air Intake System

2012-2021 Honda Civic/Accord Big Brake Kit

2022+ Honda Civic/Acura Integra Exhaust

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We are set out to REDEFINE the Aftermarket with a fresh expression on what it means to be a Honda and Acura enthusiast in the 21st century.

One should never have to sacrifice performance for style or vice versa. Our philosophy is built into every piece we make. We put a face to our brand, we are real people, we are a friend to you, we share your passion, and we have a passion for you as a member of our community.


Be the first to know how we REDEFINE

At 27WON Honda Performance our newsletter is the best place for the freshest info about your Honda and our products. You don’t have to dig through cluttered 10th Gen Civic Facebook groups or browse a dozen different aftermarket parts websites for the news and tips you need. And this is the best place to catch deals and special offers.

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to be on-pole for the best deals, news, and announcements.


Our products are engineered with precision & intention by passionate car-lovers.

We don't take shortcuts. We care about your Honda as much as we do our own. This is why we are always innovating to make them faster, stronger, and easier to modify.


Follow us on Instagram @27WON


Nearly all of our products begin as customer ideas! Please take the time to let us know what you'd like to see for your late model Honda or Acura. From your FK8 Type R to your AP2 S2000 we are open to all sorts of fresh ideas. Who knows we may even choose you and your racecar to be involved in the product development process!