A Mural is Born at 27WON HQ

When we moved into our Las Vegas HQ almost 2 years ago, we had visions of a space where customers, enthusiasts, and crew would gather, talk Honda parts, and have a great time all around. We’re one step closer today now that we have our brand new hand painted “27WON” mural. What started out as an idea we kicked around internally quickly blossomed into full wall art commissioned to be the center point of our customer experience at HQ. This is an expression of what 27WON is all about through the lens of a true artist.

We commissioned local artist Napoleon Hendrix, who is 35 years old and hails from right here Las Vegas, Nevada. Napoleon draws his inspiration from the illustrations and visual art that he grew up with as a child of the 90’s. Think cartoons, characters and pop culture with influences from “The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “Street Sharks”. It's those 90’s influences that hearken back to the Honda scene we all love to remember that made this match a perfect fit. Napoleon estimates that he has about 30-40 hours of hand work on this piece alone. No small job. More awesome art for your repertoire, Napoleon. Job well done. If you’d like to get more information, you can find him directly on Instagram, @napoleonhendrix. 

Starting with a rough mockup, we quickly aligned on all of the details that would make this piece stand out whether you’re 5 feet away or 50. We knew we wanted the first F1 car that entered into a race on behalf of Honda Motorsports. We also knew that we wanted a focal point that represents what it means to truly REDEFINE the Aftermarket and what better way to achieve that than to spotlight our W1 drop-in turbocharger. Truly a part that changed the game for the 10th Gen Civics.

After a few quick revisions to the original mockup, it was go time! Starting with a hand laid out sketch, colors were soon layered to bring this piece to life. Starting from left to right, Mt. Fuji was erected to pay homage to Honda’s origins. Racing down Mt. Fuji, we see the 271 F1 car screaming at top speed. To the right, we see the OG drop-in W1 turbo spooling away in the warm glow of the sun's rays. And we finish off the mural with a slick little bonsai tree stretching out towards the sky at the very far right.

And let’s not forget the detail work itself. Some hidden treasures in the piece are elements of the Las Vegas skyline. See if you can find all of the hidden features of this piece. We’ll give you some time, don’t worry.

Come by HQ when you visit Vegas and see this in person!

REDEFINE the Aftermarket 
