REDEFINE the Aftermarket - A Look At The Tools That Get The Job Done
With our move to our new Headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada we renewed our commitment to all things 2016+ Honda and Acura. In order to do this, we had to upgrade our equipment to some of the latest and greatest. Today we wanted to share with you some of what we have acquired since the start of 2020.
Our biggest and best acquisition since moving to Nevada is our brand new Dynapack Dynamometer. This is hands down the most accurate and repeatable dyno out on the market, which is why we chose it. How good is it? Well, it's actually the very dyno that OEM Honda uses to test its cars and publish its numbers. This particular model is capable of supporting cars that make power in the 1100whp range. It's small, mobile, and very strong.
Dynapack DAQ 4 capable of 1100hp nominal rating
Given that much of our work is the design and development of Honda performance parts we need to be able to accurately measure the smallest of changes in anything we design. Paired this dyno with all the lambada, map, tps, and aux sensors that come equipped and we can get real data to make real results.
Another tool we added to our arsenal is Fusion 360 integrated CAD and CAM software. Developing complex parts and shapes requires that our engineers have the latest in design software to create and test parts. Fusion 360 opens doors for us into next level 3D modeling, simulation, and FEA. With the use of Fusion 360 we will continue to push the boundaries of what can be designed and created for the 10th generation Civic and on.
EAE Automotive Lifts
A pair of brand new lifts from EAE helps make working on our cars easier than ever. These new low profile lifts allow us to easily and quickly rack up the numerous lowered SI’s and Type R’s that we see throughout the year. That, plus they are finished in our signature orange and gray colors to make a sick addition to our shop.
Raise 3D Printer
We acquired a bigger and taller 3D printer from Raise3D. Being able to get full size rapid prints of prototypes is key. This enables us to get parts to market quicker by compressing the timeline on design iterations and ultimately we are able to get products to market quicker.
We have more equipment we’re not mentioning right now and are looking at a few more big pieces to enhance our design and manufacturing capabilities. Our commitment to the Honda Platform has never been stronger and deeper than it is now.
We’ll continue to invest everything we have into bringing more Honda performance parts to market. Not every company can say that. ;-p
REDEFINE the Aftermarket